Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tamagotchi iD and iD Station Log.

So I thought I would join a hatch on Tama Talk and did so, the St.Patricks Day Hatch. I wanted to post pictures and I have taken a few and did not want to over load the thead topic, so here it is!

Please excuse the fuzzy pictures, I am still learning to take pictures of my Tamagotchi.

 My little someone waiting in their egg... I wonder if who ever is in there is a boy for a girl?

 Aww look a little boy hatched! I think I will name him Takagi.

 Little Takagi was pretty hungry after he hatched so I made sure to feed him til he could eat no more!

 Then he had a nibble on a couple of snacks after, Takagi sure can eat!

 We then went on a trip to the park, where we met a new friend.

 Takagi was so happy to meet another new Tamagotchi so I let them play for a little while.

 We came home again to check on the weather outside... Not very nice weather to be playing in so we went back inside.

 Takagi made a booboo so without making a big deal about it we cleaned it up and then....

 We had a bath!

 I am unsure why but little Takagi got sick. It took two tries before he was better again.

 Takagi wanted to play so I took him over to the iD Station House. We played a cooking game with...

 Mimichi and...

We didn't win though =(
 I caught Takagi doing the potty dance and got him there just in time.

 We went to the Station House again and played a drawing game this time with...

 Gozarutchi and...


 And this is what they drew together! I think it is meant to be the Gotchi King... What do you think?

 I found this saying that Takagi was a friend of the Station House.

 My little Takagi changed! Hes getting so big now!

 We went on another outing to the park and met another new friend!

 They had an awefully long converstaion... I am unsure what they were talking about though... Think it might have been a secret!

 They seemed pretty happy about whatever they had been talking about and started to jump around.

 Takagi and I took a trip to the Doughnut Shop where I bought him a Strawberry Doughnut.

 Little piggy liked to so much he snarfed it down in three bites!

 Takagi was given a chance to scratch and win...

 And what do you know? He won!

 We went back to the Station House again and played Dance Battle against...

 Lavulitchi and...


 It seemed that Kuromemetchi had all the right moves this battle!

 Takagi was so determened he wanted to play again... This time against...

 Violetchi and Gozuratchi...
But I missed Gozurathchi's picture because...

 It seemed that Takagi won his first Dance Battle!

Nice one Takagi!

So tomorrow Takagi said that he wants to try making new things with his new friends at the Station house! So keep your eyes peeled for tomorrows log!